

Statistical Information

Cycle of Violence Charts


The Project maintains an outreach program, which is designed to give legal information to victims of Domestic Violence who have recently gotten their Temporary Restraining Order and need help preparing for an upcoming Final Restraining Order Hearing.

Although we primarily serve victims who are Camden County residents, we will gladly speak to anyone who needs our help and provide whatever information we can.

Law students who volunteer with the Project can help plaintiffs to understand what the judge is looking for at the hearing. Additionally, our students can help victims understand what sort of evidence to bring to the hearing.

Our volunteers are also trained in the psychological aspects of Domestic Violence and can offer information about the cycle of violence and support options as necessary.

To set up an appointment, or for more information, please call our office

(856) 225-6425

9AM to 5PM Monday thru Thursday

Click here for Protecting Yourself Handbook (Acrobat required)